I was actually facing some strange issues: Using Mac OS X keychain access app and SSL/TLS client certificates (and other authentication items in keychain) in Chrome or Safari did not work. I saw the „allow“ or „always allow“ buttons; I could klick on them, but nothing happened. It was very strange. It was that strange that I did reset my login keychain – without any impact.
And also Google did not help – unless I stumbled today on a discussion at the Apple forums. There is a reference to a security update from Apple, which includes this change/fix:
SecurityAgent Available for: OS X El Capitan 10.11 Impact: A malicious application can programmatically control keychain access prompts Description: A method existed for applications to create synthetic clicks on keychain prompts. This was addressed by disabling synthetic clicks for keychain access windows. CVE-ID CVE-2015-5943
Which practically means that any tool that interferes with the input devices is not allowed to grant keychain access rights. So does MagicPrefs.
What a painful thingy – I was almost resetting my whole system from scratch (like the private and business MacBook Pro).
After all – it’s good to query such issues over and over again.