IPv6 – Docker, serious?

I am still playing around with my Docker setup (so you might wonder why I this website might be down sometime, this is just because I restart some services ;))

The toughest part was IPv6 so far. But it is working – somehow.

You can’t specify something obvious in a docker-compose.yml like

    - [2000::1]80:80

I won’t talk about the whole findings on Google that are complaining about the issue.

Let’s be constructive:
You need to add a IPv6 subnet to your docker0-bridge interface:

ip -6 r add 2a01:1313:1313:666:1313::/80 dev docker0

You need to change your docker daemon setup to use this subnet, since I am using systemd I’ve created a overriding config file for the docker daemon (eg. /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/docker.conf):

ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker daemon -H fd:// -g /srv/docker-lib --ipv6 --fixed-cidr-v6="2a01:1313:1313:666:1313::/80"

After a service docker restart (plus some docker-compose up -d calls) you are able to use the IPv6 table assigned from the /80 subnet.

To ensure that you’ll always end up with the same IPv6 address you should probably set the mac_address property in the docker compose file.

I did actually some additional tweaking of the nginx proxy by adjusting some nginx templating.

Now I needed to set the AAAA records – and that’s it. 🙂

How MagicPrefs and a Mac OS X security update are messing up your keychain access usability

I was actually facing some strange issues: Using Mac OS X keychain access app and SSL/TLS client certificates (and other authentication items in keychain) in Chrome or Safari did not work. I saw the „allow“ or „always allow“ buttons; I could klick on them, but nothing happened. It was very strange. It was that strange that I did reset my login keychain – without any impact.

And also Google did not help – unless I stumbled today on a discussion at the Apple forums. There is a reference to a security update from Apple, which includes this change/fix:

Available for: OS X El Capitan 10.11
Impact: A malicious application can programmatically control keychain access prompts
Description: A method existed for applications to create synthetic clicks on keychain prompts. This was addressed by disabling synthetic clicks for keychain access windows.

Which practically means that any tool that interferes with the input devices is not allowed to grant keychain access rights. So does MagicPrefs.

What a painful thingy – I was almost resetting my whole system from scratch (like the private and business MacBook Pro).

After all – it’s good to query such issues over and over again.

Do backups (and try even once a restore)

In my latest post I did mention the new setup and since I am a litte narcissistic I did tweet this post right away. And a good friend and fellow software craftsman Mark Paluch (@mp911de) instantly claimed the question about data protection (aka backup).

Over the years I did try out several simple backup systems (eg. backup-manager), but it never felt right.

Therefore I started to create some very simple script and by now I am still using it:




cutoff=$(date -d '7 days ago' +"%s")

for BACKUP_ITEM in {all,sub,paths}; do
 TMP_TARGET="/tmp-storage/backup-${BACKUP_ITEM}-$(date +"%Y-%m-%d").tar.gz"
 tar -czf "${TMP_TARGET}" "${BASE_PATH}/${BACKUP_ITEM}"
 gpg -e -r "${PUB_KEY_EMAIL}" -o "${GPG_TARGET}" "${TMP_TARGET}"

 cutoff=$(date -d '7 days ago' +"%s")

 find "${BACKUP_PATH}" -type f | while read fileName; do
 fileDate=$(echo $fileName | sed 's/.*-\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]\).*/\1/')
 fileDateInSeconds=$(date -d "${fileDate}" +%s)
 if [ ${fileDateInSeconds} -lt ${cutoff} ]; then
 rm ${fileName}



It works out quite nicely – but this is far from being a enterprise backup solution 😉

Time for a new beginning

Some things happen for a reason. Last week there seemed to be one of those days: Root Server HDD crash.

But as the HDD got replaced and the system was usable again, I took this opportunity to start from scratch:

Some sites are not yet up an running, but I need to check if I still need them – as said, some things happen for a reason.

Next up: Use a NGINX based SSL proxy (obviously also Docker based) with Let’s Encrypt automated certificate creation.


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